Agent Application 138

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Agent Application 138 – SB Order 26 / 2020 || Upon termination of operations, ACG-17 receives SAS/MPKBY agents for commission payments

Subject:- To stop receiving ACG-17 from SAS/MPKBY agents for payment of commission on receipt of work at CBS Post Offices.

Agent Application 138

Agent Application 138

DEA/MF accepted ACG-17’s proposal to stop receiving supplies from SAS/MPKBY agents during the filming of the video work. no. 14.8.2019-NS (Part 1) 17.07.2020.

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138. GENERAL:-From the date of conversion of any post to Core Banking Solution (CBS) software, commission payments to agents will automatically be credited to the agent’s savings account linked to the Agent ID in the CBS software. way. when opening or depositing to RD accounts opened through an agent.

139 (I) Auditor TD/M1S/NSC/KVP issues to the depositor a receipt from the AAR book for the amount collected. He will receive his surname and authorization number, which the depositor enters in the corresponding field of the account opening form (AOF). The agent should mention his authorization number and copy number of the AAR account book at the top of the payment slip. The representative’s booklet with the application, payment slip, receipt and copy or money counter duly signed by the depositor is delivered by the agent to the post office in order to open an account in the name of the depositor.

(2) The post office will not accept a deposit offered by an agent after the deadline (ie 10 days). If the investment amount is delivered to the post office later than the date specified in the account opening application, the agent must provide the following confirmation. – Submitted “under the signature on the request for opening an account number” at the post office.

(3) The head of the post office and branch is obliged to ensure that when opening an account provided by an agent, he selects the ID of the agent from the list of agents whose name and agency number appear in the Account Opening Form. The supervisor will verify the entry in the Finacle CBS application while confirming the account opening. Commission is transferred from time to time to the agent’s linked deposit account at a fixed rate.

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(4) MPKBY agents must submit passbooks, deposit amount (cash, DoP cheque, bank check) along with the payment receipt (agency number and agent name must appear on the payment receipt). Agent program (LOT) created by Agent Portal. Two copies of the Agent LOT should be obtained from the agent together with the payment slip. One copy of the Agent LOT will be returned to the Agent on a duly endorsed receipt and another copy of the Agent Schedule (LOT) will be attached to the remittance slip and placed at the end of the guaranteed RD packet and forwarded to the concerned HO SBCO. Agents will submit Schedule of Deposit (LOT) of cash, DoP cheque, Banker’s check separately for signature.

(5) At the end of the day, the SO or HO generates a commission paid dealer report from the Finacle CBS application using the HFINRPT menu. Account branch.

Note 1:- Commission on subsequent deposits in RD is paid to agents with which accounts are opened. Other agents cannot make further deposits to these accounts that were not opened through them.

Agent Application 138

Note 2:- SAS agents submit a receipt book to the post office containing the agent’s receipt slip at the post office at the time of depositing money for investment under any scheme for further action by the post office at this time. There is no change in this process. The cashier checks the continuity of the issued invoices in the account book to ensure that there are no breaks in the issued invoices.

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Note 3:- Details of post offices authorized to work with agents are recorded in the agent authorization certificate. The agent can deposit money only at these post offices. Currently, one post office has an agent for issuing receipt books. There is no change in this process.

Note 4:-Regarding introduction of new process of payment of commission to source agents, no change has been made in the existing process of delivery of receipt books to these agents. Instead of obtaining a license or certificate from the depositor, the counterpart of the duly executed check is kept by the agent with its copy in the receipt book. It is the agent’s responsibility to deliver passbooks or receipts to depositors. If a complaint is received from the depositor regarding non-receipt of the passbook or certificate, it should be reported to the relevant regional director, State Treasury in order to take appropriate actions against the authorized representative.

Note 5:- No agent commission is payable if a fixed deposit account is extended under the provisions of Rule 6(2) of NSTD Rules 2019.

Note 6:- No commission shall be paid to the agent unless the investment in any scheme is permitted under the relevant rules. If paid, it will be billed to the agent.

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Note 7:- If the Agent’s receipt book number issued to the buyer is not submitted with the investment for signature and date, no commission is paid on investments received through agents. Stamp by Counter PA. Such investments are considered direct investments.

Note 8:- TDS is deducted from the commission paid by the scheme at the rates fixed by the Income Tax Department.

(1) Accounting receives daily schedules of commissions from the SB branch which are paid to agents separately for each scheme. The account branch performs the following checks:

Agent Application 138

(i) The Accounts Clerk will compare the amount of commission paid as shown in the schedule with the amount shown in the CSI in the appropriate GL code.

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(ii) The officer concerned affixes his signature at the bottom of the table stating that he has carried out the above verification.

(2) After necessary checks, schedules of paid supplies are submitted monthly to postal accounting in the first week of each month after the end of the month.

3. It is requested that these amendments and additions be distributed to all interested parties for their information and instructions and to take the necessary actions.

4. Post offices other than CBS will continue to follow existing procedures as outlined in Chapter 8 Volume 1 of the POSB Manual. Planning another property in the future? You must read this before applying HDB BTO. Young couples past the age of applying for Build-to-Order, one mistake, which is noticeable, is that when young couples apply for BTO, they often plan for the near future, say 5 or 10 years. . road.

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Often young couples are new to the property scene as the BTO they are applying for will most likely be their first property.

Strategically maximize funds in the near future or even minimize losses due to overuse of CPF.

As in our experience with many salespeople who have completed their minimum 5 year tenure, it is common for them to start programming in as little as 4 years.

Agent Application 138

Years of ownership in your home. Most of them did not think that they would sell their house through MOP at the time of applying for BTO. However, circumstances such as an increase in the number of family members or the desire to improve their lifestyle or even to be closer to their parents, made them change their decision to keep the BTO.

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If you are able to plan 5-10 years ahead before applying for HDB BTO, you will definitely be ahead of the curve and once you get your MOP, you will be “ready to hit”.

For example, you might be planning to sell your place through MOP, so you spend less on renovations. Tip no. 2 Shop with sole proprietorships and sole proprietorships

Instead of having a property traditionally owned by both spouses, you may want to explore the option of owning an HDB BTO in your spouse’s name with the other as the main owner.

Depending on your financial situation and credit score, this may not be readily available to some. For some couples just starting out in the workforce, this can be taxing.

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Features without ABSD. If you plan to keep the HDB stable for a long time and have 2 at the same time, this option works well.

The downside is that CPF funds are based on a credit score

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