Bkkbn Application – Recently, many people have been looking for a way to get the link to download the Elsimil BKKBN web app and if you are one of them? Just click on the link below.
Growth retardation is a condition in which the growth of the child’s body does not progress normally, so it grows less than children of the same age in general.
Bkkbn Application
Therefore, it is caused by a lack of nutrients and because parents do not know the importance of nutrition for children, especially in childhood.
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The government of the Republic of Indonesia has released an application called “Elsimil” through the National Agency for Population and Family Planning, also known as (BKKBN). This is an attempt to overcome the problem of stunting.
BKKBN released this application to almost all cities and towns in Indonesia at the same time.
At the same time, Elsimil has become a very important application for solving problems related to growth.
Therefore, this application provides information and education about proper nutrition for children and adults. And the Elsimil application can also provide a solution to overcome the child’s growth delay.
Download Elsimil Bkkbn Web App Untuk Cegah Stunting
BKKBN’s Elsimil app is very easy to use. All you have to do is download it using the link provided by BKKBN or the National Population Planning Agency.
Currently, the results of the documents of the elderly are reviewed by the medical staff and authorities (KUA) or the religious office. Provide advice on potential health problems in the future.
So, as a couple, you can be careful with Elsimil. to maintain their health later in the marriage and make the partners have a happy life.
This Elsimil application has many features including:
Bkkbn Pusat Tunjuk Banyuwangi Jadi Pilot Project Aplikasi Pencegahan Stunting
In this application, you can use the official chat function whenever you need the help of the authorities to help you solve any problem. Growth retardation is most common in young children.
As for the Senior Pie feature, it can certainly help the medical staff to prevent the spread of the disease properly and indicate the rate of youth in Indonesia.
Additionally, the senior hack history feature displays the history you have created as a user of the app.
If you already know all the features available in the Elsimil application, you should know the specific details about this application:
Penggunaan Aplikasi Elsimil
To get Elsimil BKKBN Web App download link, just click here >>> here <<<
Full and brief information about Elsimil BKKBN Web App download link which is most recently searched by public in Indonesia.
We hope that our article can help Indonesians overcome the problem of stunting that occurs in childhood.
Therefore, those who read our article should share our article to reduce the problem of stunting that is common in children.
Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Anti Narkoba Melalui Test Urine Di Perwakilan Bkkbn Provinsi Kepulauan Riau
So that children in Indonesia will no longer suffer from malnutrition and grow well. Suffice it to say to Elsimil BKKBN that we are sorry for multiplying.
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