Blue Bird Application

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Competition in app-based transportation is intensifying as taxi company Blue Bird has launched a new version of its mobile app.

Blue Bird Application

Blue Bird Application

With the update, My Blue Bird users can now rate taxi drivers and see a more accurate tracking system.

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Blue Bird CEO Sigit Priavan Djokosoetono said in a press conference that the new app is part of the company’s strategy to respond to current challenges.

“We must continue to change and change. We hope that the Blue Bird will become a symbol of Indonesia,” he said in Jakarta on Thursday.

My Blue Bird was launched in 2011 and was originally designed to work with BlackBerry devices. Sigit said that compared to the first version, the new application introduces more features.

The new version is very similar to other transportation applications. To book a taxi, users select their preferred vehicle type, enter a pick-up and drop-off address, add pick-up instructions to the driver, and select a pick-up time (which is not must be immediate). . Customers can then see the estimated cost of their trip. If they want to contact the driver, they can call through the in-app function.

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One feature of calling My Blue Bird is that drivers cannot see customer phone numbers. Sigit explained that drivers can only call customers through the app without revealing the phone number to protect their privacy.

“As I regularly use taxi services to pick up my child, I am relieved now that there is a tracking system,” said singer and writer Dee Lestari, who attended the press conference as one of the loyal customers. of the company.

Another customer, Yusman, said he was happy with the upgrade but wished the company would soon offer cash or electronic payment options.

Blue Bird Application

On the other hand, model, actor and technophile Christian Sugiono said there should be route suggestions to help motorists avoid traffic jams.

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“Only those who are quick and new will succeed. Blue Bird must remain competitive, it cannot be left behind,” said Triavan. (kes) JAKARTA – PT Blue Bird Tbk officially launched the update of its MyBluebird app to provide convenience to the customer through Istoni (safe, easy, convenient and customized) mobility .service.

Sigit Djokosoetono, Chief Executive Officer of PT Blue Bird, explained that in today’s digital age, various technological innovations lead to faster changes in consumer behavior patterns and needs.

In addition, Sigit said that change and innovation must always be fast, dynamic and accurate. Today’s digital society wants not only good, clean, convenient and safe products and services, but also digital capabilities that support speed.

“With availability, ease of transactions and different products that meet different needs,” said Sigit in a media briefing in Jakarta on Thursday, February 9.

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Sigit explained that updating the MyBluebird app is a form of continuation of the company’s transformation pillar, where the MyBluebird app is one of the channels experiencing the fastest growth.

Even during the pandemic, Sigit continued, the MyBluebird app has become a reliable channel for Bluebird users while traveling, with a significant increase in active users and user transactions.

“As the trend of community mobility continues after the social restrictions of COVID-19 and changes in people’s behavior, the availability of the all-new MyBluebird is a clear sign of the company’s commitment to put the needs of the customer first in all areas. our innovations and changes,” he explained.

Blue Bird Application

Sigit said that Bluebird will continue to improve the services of his company to provide safe, convenient, convenient and reliable mobility services.

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Some of the new features of the new MyBluebird include its completely new design by introducing a new look aimed at providing the best experience by improving the user interface and user experience.

Then EZPay. The feature aims to make it easier for customers to convert curbside orders to online bookings, providing user-friendly transactions through a variety of cashless payments available in the new MyBluebird app.

“Then there are recommendations. The new features introduced in the all-new MyBluebird app are aimed at improving the mobile experience, where users can view promos, culinary destinations and other exciting things. entertainment option,” he said.

Meanwhile, PT Blue Bird Deputy CEO Tbk Adrianto Djokosoetono said that the MyBluebird app update was launched to welcome many new opportunities that can be achieved through people’s freedom of movement.

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The person known as Andre explained that in addition to the new features of the all-new MyBluebird, customers can now directly access the mobility service they need, from taxi services, car rental, city delivery, all in one click. bus.

“People’s behavioral patterns are increasingly dynamic, and we will continue to develop the MyBluebird app to provide service features tailored to people’s mobility needs,” he said.

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