Car Rental Application With Excel – I received a question about the ability to create a car rental reservation form in Excel. This email came about two months ago and I promise to make it work. This form took over a week to complete, because in addition to the car rental booking form, I also created hotel, apartment, sports, and restaurant booking forms all at once. And they are free.
However, these are just Excel spreadsheets that you can use to make subscription management easier if you are running an SME business. If you manage large companies, I recommend purchasing professional booking software that may have more features than my spreadsheet.
Car Rental Application With Excel
I have created two different car rental booking tables that can be used for hourly or daily car rental programs. And these two tables are created by a different approach.
Car Rental Agency Software
I’ve added a conditional formatting to this sheet to tell you the reservation date versus today’s date. If the reservation date is no longer valid, the box will be grayed out.
To see the difference between the daily and hourly tables, you can see the screenshot below of hourly rental bookings.
The instructions for this spreadsheet are pretty much the same as for daily rental car bookings, except that I’ll add a time parameter to the availability spreadsheet. So if you rent a car by the hour, you can use this chart to make your business easier.
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