Device Admin Application

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Device Admin Application – Device Manager apps ask for permission to delete my data after failed sign-in attempts. How can I confirm?

I was about to install the Outlook app on my phone when it asked me to enable it as a device administrator. (See picture below).

Device Admin Application

Device Admin Application

Attempts to unlock the monitor screen View the number of incorrectly entered passwords. If too many incorrect passwords are entered, lock the phone or delete all phone data when unlocking the screen.

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Well, if all data is deleted I don’t care anymore. I often accidentally scroll the patterns when I have my phone in my hand. Also, maybe a friend or younger family member messes with my phone, unknowingly creating a very long recovery process and data loss that I can never get back.

This is just a general warning for any application that requires administrative privileges. It may be possible that Outlook is not using the delete feature.

The user is only shown actions that the app can perform. If the device’s management screen shows something like “Attempts to Lock Monitor Screen”, make sure that the application in question has this feature.

I’m sharing an image of an app called Tasker that uses and only requests one device administrator action. This should be enough for the device manager screen to only show specific apps and not general actions. This can be tested in more detail against the list of top transactions which can be viewed here.

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Developers can see this by parsing the code in the APK using special tools. You can test this yourself by trial and error by using -x86 and running your application on it. Try wrong passwords and accounts for yourself. I don’t know an easy way.

I don’t know right now. An Xposed module like Bypass Exchange Policies can do this.

“This is an app-level wipe, not a device wipe. The Outlook app will be reset and Outlook email, calendar, contacts, and file data, as well as Outlook’s cloud components, will be removed from the device. Does the deletion affect anyone? user’s personal practices and information”.

Device Admin Application

You must log in to answer this question. Not the answer you’re looking for? Check out other security questions tagged outlookdevice-administratorremote-wipe. Android first introduced support for mobile device management in Android 2.2. Since then, businesses’ needs have evolved. Devices are increasingly accessing more private resources and being used in a wider range of use cases than the original Android Device Manager API was designed for. Some of these use cases include:

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At the same time, organizations demand higher trust relationships than the device administrator is designed to support. Because Device Manager can be enabled by any user-authorized application, it does not support many enterprise use cases such as:

Since Android 5.0 introduced Android’s managed device (device owner) and work profile (profile owner) modes, Device Manager is considered a legacy management method. Because device manager is unsuited to support today’s enterprise needs, we recommend that customers and partners continue to use managed device and work profile approaches to manage their devices. To support this transition and focus our resources on existing Android management features, we deprecated Enterprise-oriented Device Manager in Android 9.0 and will remove these features in Android 10.0.

With the release of Android 9.0, the following rules are marked as deprecated when executed by a device administrator, but otherwise the APIs continue to work.

As of the release of Android 10.0, the above rules will create a security exception when a device administrator takes action on applications that target API level 29.

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As of Android 11.0, USES_POLICY_RESET_PASSWORD is marked as deprecated and stops working when invoked by a device administrator. It will throw a SecurityException in applications targeting API level 24 and above.

Some applications use the device manager to manage user devices, for example. Lock and wipe lost device. To ensure this, the following policies will continue to be in place:

To override the keyboard and password rules listed as deprecated in the section above, applications, including those that manage Exchange ActiveSync settings, must use the method described in Screen Lock Quality Control.

Device Admin Application

Android 9.0. Device Manager has been deprecated with documentation updates for enterprise use. Existing functionality continues to work for applications targeting API level 28, although its use is discouraged. All partners and customers must switch to work profiles or fully managed devices before the release of Android 10.0.

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We advise our business partners and customers to start preparing for this change. When you enable management of your device, using the device manager can be displayed on the screen (for example, see Figure 1);

If you currently use a device manager to manage your devices, there are two strategies for migrating to Android’s existing management APIs. To enroll a device for management purposes, you’ll need an Enterprise Mobility Management (EMM) provider that supports Android work profile (profile owner) or managed device mode (device owner). Customers should choose the control method most appropriate to their location. In some cases, both strategies can be used simultaneously.

You can find a list of compatible offers here. Your EMM software vendor may provide specific instructions regarding its product offerings.

Personal devices with Android work profile mode are supported. A work profile is used by EMM to provide an operating system-level container that separates the user’s work from personal applications and data on their devices. Organizations benefit from the ability to distribute applications through Managed Google Play, as well as greater confidence that data is not accidentally or intentionally shared with unauthorized applications. IT administrators can also selectively delete corporate data, independent of the user’s own files, if they leave the organization.

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Company-owned Android devices are supported by using the devices in managed device mode. A managed device is registered with EMM, which can provide full lifecycle management of an Android device and its data. This includes hardware feature locking, factory reset protection, and deregistration; wipe and restore entire device with admin remote; and app customization, including support for kiosk or single app deployments. Organizations using the managed device approach will typically manage at least one of three deployment types; however, these can be mixed and matched across an organization’s fleet depending on its requirements;

We recommend using company-owned devices as managed devices because it allows you to manage the entire device lifecycle, including full device wipe and factory reset protection policies.

We recommend using work profiles for all personally owned devices. Switching from a legacy device manager to a work profile can be accomplished with minimal disruption. This can be done by having personal devices set up a work profile or by registering new devices to a work profile when existing devices are removed from the fleet.

Device Admin Application

We recommend configuring company-owned devices as fully managed devices. A factory reset is required to move the device from Device Manager to Managed Device. Since this will cause further disruption for users, we recommend a phased adoption where new devices are registered as fully managed devices, but existing devices remain under Device Manager.

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When Android 10.0 is released, we expect all devices running it to support managed devices or work profile modes. Old devices can be moved as previously described or managed through the device manager until replaced.

Sometimes applications, such as an email application, can become device administrators in response to corporate policies applied to email servers. These apps will be subject to the same restrictions after the release of Android 10.0; They may be device administrators, but they cannot enforce password policies or hardware restrictions. Depending on the use case, these apps can:

We recommend that these applications have a mechanism to detect whether a device is managed by EMM and leave management to the EMM provider. This determination can be made through token exchange using Mobile Configuration Management (MCM).

Deprecated behaviors will stop working and return a security exception for apps running Android 10.0 and targeting this API level.

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