Examples Of Biotechnology Applications

Examples Of Biotechnology Applications – Although there are many ways to classify biotechnology, the use of color coding is actually the most popular. It is used to help us categorize different areas of biotechnology research in a way that is easy to remember.

With this in mind, let’s explore the colors of biotech in more detail. Let’s start with how biotech dyes came about in the first place.

Examples Of Biotechnology Applications

Examples Of Biotechnology Applications

At the launch of National Biotechnology Week on November 24, 2008, Philippine Department of Science and Technology Secretary Estrella Alabastero described biotechnology as follows (via the Department of Science and Technology of the Republic of the Philippines):

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“If we could weave a flag for biotechnology, it would have three colors. Red for medicine, green for agriculture and white for industrial applications.

Since biotechnology is a multidisciplinary science, it covers various fields such as medical, marine, environmental and industrial. Alabaster said in his speech that more colors would be added to the biotech spectrum, and that really happened.

Let’s look at the four main colors of biotechnology before exploring the other added colors.

The four main types of biotechnology are medical biotechnology (red), industrial biotechnology (white), environmental biotechnology (green), and marine biotechnology (blue).

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Let’s take a look at each of them to find out what they focus on and what they do.

Medical biotechnology deals with human health and medicine. Thus, medical biotechnology produces new pharmaceutical drugs, antibodies, vaccines, and more.

Red biotechnology offers great value to the pharmaceutical industry and the medical profession. It helps reduce pain and suffering and improves patients’ quality of life.

Examples Of Biotechnology Applications

RED Biotechnology can identify the best doses of drugs for patients, working to make drugs and treatments more specific to people based on their genetic code. This will change the future of medicine and ensure that doctors treat their patients in a more unique and personalized way.

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RED Biotechnology uses biological materials to find solutions to health problems. Gene expression, antibodies, and proteins are often investigated to see how genetically modified cells or organisms can be used to treat various diseases.

How proteins were engineered to promote enzyme production in hamster cells and could be used to treat heart disease in humans.

Red Biotechnology is considered a field of research that uses biological processes, traditional forms of treatment and advanced forms (such as genetic engineering) and diagnostic methods to detect diseases, reports WiseGeek.

This approach led biotechnologists to work to find cures for various human diseases such as AIDS and hepatitis.

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In fact, it is the largest biotech industry! It focuses on using technology to create new processes with lower consumption of natural resources and energy compared to conventional methods.

Therefore, industrial biotechnology uses living cells obtained from sources such as plants, bacteria, and yeasts to create products that require fewer resources (eg, energy) to produce. They also produce less waste.

Valuable advances have already been made through industrial biotechnology. According to EMBO, the use of bacterial enzymes is used in food preparation as well as in the production of washing powder to reduce artificial additives.

Examples Of Biotechnology Applications

Basically, green biotechnology focuses on technologies related to agriculture, such as finding ways to produce stronger crops or creating new biopesticides to reduce the amount of chemicals farmers use.

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In the case of environmental biotechnology, the main goal is to combine biology with engineering. It develops various processes to clean up contaminated sites.

Fungi, bacteria and microbes are often used as organic agents to remove pollutants from the environment. Some of the tasks that environmental biotechnologists have include the following:

Blue biotechnology is sometimes considered the fourth type of biotechnology. It refers to the study of marine organisms that focuses on the use of these organisms for various human purposes, such as the creation of new drugs or dietary supplements to improve human health.

Blue biotechnology uses a wide variety of marine organisms and resources for different tasks, such as molluscs, algae and other materials. For example, the use of ziconotide, a substance derived from cone snail venom, is said to be an effective analgesic in humans.

Practical Applications Of Biotechnology

Using marine biotechnology to create alternative energy sources is an exciting idea. For example, biofuel can be produced from microalgae. The advantage is that algal biomass can be artificially increased without competing with other plants.

Industry benefits greatly from “blue” biotechnology. Various proteins, biopolymers, biomaterials and enzymes are produced in large quantities from the marine ecosystem.

Examples include biotech products such as green fluorescent protein derived from jellyfish, which can be used to generate energy due to its reaction to UV light.

Examples Of Biotechnology Applications

Although we have focused on the four types of biotechnology above, new areas of research have been created that have their own colors. Here’s what you need to know about them.

Solution: Ncert Biotechnology And Its Applications

This is very similar to the green biotechnology we talked about earlier, but it refers to biotechnology that uses insects. Use active genes or traits of insects for research or other medical or agricultural processes.

Insect genetic functions are being studied and, if found useful, may help improve and maintain various processes. Insects have great molecular diversity, making them valuable for use in biological processes.

Some insects are also pests that can compete with us for human food, such as damaging our crops. Therefore, turmeric biotechnology also involves using technology to control pests in a more sustainable and natural way.

To complicate matters a bit, turmeric biotechnology is also sometimes used to refer to the use of biotechnology to produce food, such as the production of cheese and wine by fermentation.

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According to this definition, it is about sustainability, and a large part of this problem is related to the meat industry, because it uses many ecological resources.

Thus, turmeric biotechnology focuses on improving food production methods, such as eliminating the use of antibiotics and hormones in meat production.

The use of genetically modified crops to promote healthier and more productive crops is also part of turmeric biotechnology in relation to food production.

Examples Of Biotechnology Applications

It is similar to green biotechnology. It focuses on using living things to improve our environment.

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It is therefore also about removing pollutants from the environment by means of microorganisms. Other tasks and processes that fall under gray biotechnology include:

An excellent example of gray biotechnology is the search for ways to reduce and eliminate the use of plastics. As you know, plastics cause a lot of waste and contain chemicals that pollute the environment and are also dangerous to our health.

In 2016, Japanese scientists discovered Ideanella sakaiensis, a bacteria in a bottle recycling plant that digests the plastic used to make single-use plastic bottles, PressCoutter reported.

Since then more research has been done on this problem of plastic pollution and it is exciting to think that by using natural microbes we can eliminate the plastic problem we face!

Difference B Etween Traditional And Modern Biotech

Brown biotechnology is similar to gray biotechnology. This is sometimes called “desert biotechnology.” Its main goal is to treat desert-like soils to make them more productive.

To do this, take species that are resistant to these dry soils and use them in a positive way. It incorporates transgenic technology to create better quality seeds that can be grown in dry areas with little rainfall.

Crops resistant to desert conditions already exist because they have been genetically modified.

Examples Of Biotechnology Applications

An example is DroughtGard. This is the U.S. Approved by the Department of Agriculture and using a protein derived from a bacterium called Bacillus subtilis, it ensures the corn plant thrives in periods of water scarcity.

Pdf) Rainbow Code Of Biotechnology

As reported by the Electronic Journal of Biotechnology, this is an important branch of biotechnology, as 70 percent of the Earth’s dry areas are adversely affected by desertification, which affects one billion people worldwide.

Some research published in Business Korea points to the fact that most desertification is caused by land management and deforestation, but growing crops in these areas can solve the problem.

Therefore, research is being conducted to develop genetically modified crops such as potato and alfalfa to feed the hungry and reduce the problem of desertification.

Gold biotechnology is very different from the other types of biotechnology we have already explored because it is a type of biotechnology that takes place behind the scenes.

Modern Applications Of Plant Biotechnology In Pharmaceutical Sciences: Amazon.co.uk: Bhatia, Saurabh, Sharma, Kiran, Dahiya, Randhir, Bera, Tanmoy: 9780128022214: Books

Gold Biotechnology focuses on informatics, such as hardware and software used in data analysis of biological processes. It is sometimes referred to as “bioinformatics”.

It uses computer techniques that allow rapid organization and analysis of biological data. However, you can also look for changes in DNA and primers.

Large commercial organizations, such as pharmaceutical companies, employ bioinformaticians to manage their complex bioinformatics needs. entrance from

Examples Of Biotechnology Applications

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