Examples Of Java Applications Using Netbeans – In this Java tutorial, we show you how to start a Java program using NetBeans – the official Java 8 IDE. NetBeans is a free and open source Java IDE.
You will be directed to download and install the NetBeans IDE. Then create a Java program and write the Java code to print “Hello World” and run the program.
Examples Of Java Applications Using Netbeans
Before installing the NetBeans IDE, make sure you have installed the Java Development Kit (JDK) on your computer first. If not, follow this tutorial to install the JDK.
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1. Download and install the NetBeans IDE Go to https://netbeans.org/downloads to download the latest version of the NetBeans IDE. You will see the following page:
On this download page you will see different download packages. And for Java development only, we can choose Java SE or Java EE. We recommend that you choose Java EE, which supports full Java development (Java EE includes Java SE).
Therefore, click the Download button in the Java EE column to download the NetBeans interface for Java EE development. The file name of the installation program is something like netbeans-8.2-javaee-windows.exe (on Windows).
Click on the installation file to start installing the NetBeans IDE. You will be prompted to install the GlassFish server and Apache Tomcat:
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In this tutorial, you don’t need any server. However, you will need them later, so check them all and click Next.
2. Create Your First Java Project Now let’s create a Java project using the NetBeans IDE. Go to menu File > New Project…
Click Next to proceed to the next step. On the New Java Application screen, type a Project Name, specify the Project Location and the main class:
Note that we checked the Create Main Class option to create the main application class. Here we define the package name with net. before the HelloWorld group name.
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3. Write your first Java code You can see the code in the HelloWorld.java file editor as shown in the following image:
The main() method is the main implementation of a Java application. All Java programs start with the main() method. Now, let’s write some code in this method to print “Hello World Java!” screenshot:
NetBeans is very smart as it generates the code as fast as you write the code. Therefore, if there are errors, the IDE will notify you by highlighting the errors in red, as shown in the following image:
If there are no red flags like these, the code is correct and we are ready to run the program.
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You see, it prints “Hello World Java!”. Congratulations, you have successfully created and run your first Java program with NetBeans IDE. You can change the program and run it again to try to make progress.
Next, we will learn Java classes and objects in this article: Understanding Java Classes and Objects.
I am a certified Java developer (SCJP and SCWCD). He started programming with Java around Java 1.4 and has been in love with Java ever since. Friend him on Facebook and watch his Java videos on YouTube. This tutorial will guide you in building a simple browser in Java. So I advise you to print it and follow the instructions. If you are new to Java and Netbeans, you can do these two courses:
You can print this page for easy reference (you can also open it on another screen)
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If you don’t know how to create a new app. You can find it here: Your first Java project.
Right-click the application name in the “Projects tab” on the left side of the window and select New > JFrame Form.
Enter the name pnlCalculator next to the group name and click Finish. You can see that the form is expanded as shown below
Step 3: Add two JPanels to the form and edit and place them as shown. You can find Panels on the right side of the palettes tab.
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You need to insert a TextField on the form by clicking on the TextField from the Palette and then clicking on the form. Drag to install it as shown in the image below.
Step 5: Place the buttons on the form. (Don’t change the name here) You can find the buttons in the palette tab. Just add a button and resize it until you have enough buttons on the screen
To change the name of the button, click the right button and select “Edit Text”. For button 1 just type 1, for button 2 type 2 and so on as shown below.
To do this, right-click on the button and click “Change variable name”. Change the names according to the scheme below. You must enter the names carefully, otherwise the program may have problems
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Click on the “Projects” tab, find the name of the Form. In this case it is pnlCalculator.java. Right click on it and click Run File.
You wait a few seconds and if you did everything correctly, the form below will be displayed.
Step 9: Check your source code and find where to write your first code. Once you’re in code view, you can scroll up a bit to find a place where you can write your first code.
Step 10: Paste the code below into the location you selected in Step 9. (You can also copy and paste it there)
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Step 11: Enter the code for button 1 (btn1). Right click button 1> Select Events> Select Mouse, Select MouseClicked.
Step 12: Now write the code for button 1. This means we need to write the code to define what happens when 1 is pressed. Because of this:
Type the code below in the space shown in the image (you can copy and paste it)
If(txtResult.getText().isEmpty()) { txtResult.setText(btn1.getText()); value1 = 1; } else { txtResult.setText(txtResult.getText()+ “” + btn1.getText()); value2 = 1; }
Solved Using Netbeans, Perform The Following. (2 Items ×25
You can test your program using the method used in Section 8. When the form appears, press 1 to see what happens. If you did everything correctly, 1 would appear on the screen.
Step 14: Enter the code for button 2 (btn2). Right-click 2, select Events, select Mouse, select MouseClicked.
Step 15: Type the below code in the space shown in the image (you can copy and paste)
If(txtResult.getText().isEmpty()) { txtResult.setText(btn2.getText()); value1 = 2; } else { txtResult.setText(txtResult.getText()+ “” + btn2.getText()); value2 = 2; }
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If you typed it correctly, your code will be as shown in the image below:
Step 17: Take a moment to check the codes to make sure you got them right. You also know the different parts of the code. But don’t change anything!
Right-click the EC button, select Events, select Mouse, select MouseClick. This will take you to where you would enter the code for this button. Copy and paste the code below into the status bar
This is the code that clears the screen when the EC button is pressed. It’s pretty simple, right?
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Step 21: Test your program. Run the program, test buttons 0 – 9 with the function. Also try the clear button
This is the code for the right button (you already know where to put this code)
Double response = 0; if(function == “other”) result = value1 + value2; else if(employee ==”minus”) result = value1 – value2; else if (operator == “overload”) result = value1 * value2; else if(operator == “division”) result = value1/value2; String result = Double.toString(response); txtResult.setText(Result);
Run the program and try some math. What are your thoughts. You can leave a comment in the comment box below to let me know what you think. If you have any questions, leave them in the comment box below.
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I would send it in a few days. Just click the follow button below my name to be notified when I post the next step. You can subscribe to YouTube channel to watch step-by-step video. In this lesson, which should take about 10 minutes to complete, you are given a quick introduction to the basic functionality of Java development in an IDE.
The purpose of this course is to start with Java and Maven development in an IDE. Although this is not the end of this tutorial, to start understanding and working with the Java language itself, refer to the Java Tutorials and, to understand Maven, the Apache Maven website.
The first time you create a new Java program, you will be prompted to download and enable Java. Follow the instructions and install as suggested by the wizard.
The basic skeleton class is designed for you. Let’s add the basics to create the ‘hello world’ message.
Hacking On Java 8 With Netbeans 8
Note that when you press Ctrl + Space, the editor shows several ways to complete the code on the source, as well as related documents:
For a full description of the editor’s tools, see Code Help in the Java Editor IDE: A Reference Guide.
Make sure to save the Java source file, right click on the project and select Run or select Run Project under Run
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