How To Implement Notification In Web Application

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How To Implement Notification In Web Application – Web notifications are provided by service personnel. A server is a script that your browser runs in the background. With a service worker, you can send web notifications to your users even if they don’t open a browser.

There are some differences in the implementation of this feature between browsers. We create abstractions to hide the complexity so you can create notifications on the web.

How To Implement Notification In Web Application

How To Implement Notification In Web Application

Before we can work with the code, we need to make sure that Web push is enabled in the delivery settings of our project. Go to your dashboard and go to Settings > Smart Transfer. On the Smart Delivery page, make sure the delivery order has “Deliver on Web” or enable it by dragging it from the “Add Item” panel.

Push Notifications With Angular 6 + Firebase Cloud Messaging

Websites may have only one service representative. If you have already defined a service worker, add the following entries. Otherwise, create a new file with the following content:

Let’s create a “subscribe button” using our infinite web library. You can use it to register a service worker, request user permissions, and save subscriptions for browser push notifications.

And that’s it! You enable web notifications in all modern browsers, Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and more. Try creating a message through our API or CLI and let the magic begin.

Modern Safari supports web notifications. If you use Safari Mobile (iOS), you must have a PWA installed to request permission for notifications and push notifications. You can try this experiment using

The Ultimate Guide To Push Notifications For Developers — Smashing Magazine

With our hosting solution, the PWA comes with a subscription dialog. We also offer white labeling and custom domains. Contact us if this interests you. Push notifications are a great way for a web app like Halodoc to be one step closer to native desktop and mobile apps. Push notifications allow us to provide important information about our users even when they are not using our website.

There are many ways to implement push notifications on the web, from minimal effort to building from scratch. When we build instant messaging from scratch, we need to manage many aspects, especially setting up and maintaining the instant messaging server, such as generating a VAPID key (application server key), managing instant service encryption , setting the expiration. from instant messages. , managing communication between the backend and push services using the web push protocol, and more. Don’t get me wrong, there are definitely advantages to implementing push notifications from scratch, especially if you need to customize some scripts. But if we don’t have custom use cases, it’s better to use a platform for quick implementation of push notifications.

There are many instant messaging platforms on the internet. One of the most popular is Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM). At Halodoc, we use Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) to easily implement web-facing messaging. FCM is a service provided by Google for sending one or more push messages to different client applications (web, Android and iOS).

How To Implement Notification In Web Application

We only need to manage the front and back when we use an instant messaging platform like Firebase. As you can see in the diagram below, we only need a little effort to implement push notifications.

Set Up Push Notifications

At a high level, we need to retrieve the token from Firebase, store the token in our database, and trigger push notifications using the token. It is clear that many steps need to be taken for this. But we will talk about that in the next chapter.

At a detailed level, as seen in the diagram above, there are several steps to implementing a push notification. In the next section, we will provide a detailed explanation of each step.

Before we go through the detailed steps, since we are using Firebase, we need to install Firebase first. You can find Firebase Web Setup for Firebase Setup on the web project. After installation, we can proceed to the next step 🙂

We need a service worker to send messages. A handler is JavaScript code that can run in the background even when your browser is closed. Direct messages are handled by a service representative

Alerts And Notifications: Texts And Emails

Events when the message is received from the server, which we will discuss later. Now let’s discuss how to register a service worker in JavaScript.

Not all browsers support service workers. If we check the Caniuse support, we can see that the service worker is widely supported by many browsers (96.8%). Although before registering a service worker, let’s first check the support of service workers. Fortunately, it’s easy to test support for service workers in an if statement.

We need to get the user’s permission to send direct messages. Otherwise, we cannot subscribe to the push service. To get user consent, we need to make sure that the browser supports the messaging API. Again, we see from Caniuse that API messaging support is not yet widely adopted. Today it is 81 percent.

How To Implement Notification In Web Application

We also need to check if the browser supports the messaging API. Testing API messaging support is also easy:

Best Practices For Notifications Ui Design: Ux Tips, Popular Use Cases

Ask the user for permission. When the code is executed, the browser will display a prompt like the image below. NS varies from platform to platform depending on the operating system or browser.

After a user gives us permission to send a message, we get a Firebase registration token that can be used to send push notifications to that user. We need to use the Firebase SDK to get the registration token shown in the code snippet above.

We need the registration token as a customer identifier to trigger push notifications from our support. To send the registration token, we need to make a simple HTTP request to the backend, as seen in the code above. So, in the backend we need to store the subscription information in our server database:

We need some events to push notifications to users. The reason depends on the needs of the business. For example, in a chat application, this could be a new chat message. Notification of e-commerce applications may require a fee. But for this example, let’s create a simple endpoint to trigger push notifications:

Implement Push Notification In Ionic App With Aws

As we can see in the above code, we are using NodeJS for demo purpose. Some libraries/languages ​​have differences, but it’s not that different. Regardless of your backend (Java, Go, Node, PHP, Python, etc.), the steps to install push are the same.

We do not handle Firebase requests for service delivery. But behind the scenes, Firebase sends a push request to the push service. The push service then receives the request from Firebase, validates it, and routes the push message to the appropriate client. If the client’s browser is not connected to the Internet, the push service queues the push message until the browser reconnects. When the browser receives a push message, it opens the data and sends a push activity to our service worker.

The code to set up the Push event listener should be very similar to any event listener we write in JavaScript:

How To Implement Notification In Web Application

The most interesting part of this code for many developers new to service providers is the behavior itself. “Self” is often used for a service worker, referring to an employee. In the example above, self.addEventListener() can be thought of as adding an event listener to the service worker.

Push Notifications, An In Depth R&d

Is a method that displays a message to the user and returns a promise that will be resolved when the message is displayed.

Only a visual display. If the user clicks on the message, it does nothing. So we also need to manage

As we can see in the code above, when a user clicks on a direct message, the code closes the message and opens in the browser.

By now I hope you know about the behind the scenes direct messaging on the web. Let’s move on to other important things about direct web messaging.

Push Notifications On The Open Web

Bad UX for asking for permission is asking for permission when the user lands on the site. This approach provides no context as to why user notifications are needed or used. Most users will block the message if this is the case.

And you know? If a user blocks an authorization request, your site will no longer ask for authorization. To get the permission after blocking, the user needs to change the permission in the browser settings, which is not easy, clear and fun for the user.

Halodoc implements a double authorization mechanism to solve this problem, as shown in the image above. First, display a custom consent request handled by our site. The website then initiates the actual browser permission request when the user clicks to grant permission. If not, keep the usual request and ask for another time.

How To Implement Notification In Web Application

At Halodoc, we display a custom permission request when a user connects to our website. By doing so, the user can turn off notifications without the risk of being permanently blocked from our site.

How To Test Web Push Notifications

However, we may provide notice

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