Mesothelioma Settlements 2012 – A Michigan mesothelioma lawyer can help you if you or a loved one has been diagnosed with this type of lung cancer. Companies that manufacture and sell products containing asbestos fibers have paid billions of dollars in settlements. If you make a claim, you may be entitled to compensation.
Our Michigan toxicology attorneys represent clients with asbestos-related diseases, including mesothelioma. Many of our customers have been exposed to lethal products while working in a factory, factory or shipyard. Other customers were harmed by asbestos particles brought into the home by family members who worked in the garment industry in those areas.
Mesothelioma Settlements 2012
Most asbestos-related diseases in Michigan, such as mesothelioma, are caused by some form of work or occupational exposure. But the disease does not only affect workers. People who live and work near industries can also get these diseases.
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In fact, many cases of mesothelioma arise from unknowingly consuming asbestos-containing products in asbestos-containing homes, schools, and other places.
Lawsuits continue to be filed against companies that manufacture and sell asbestos products that cause death and injury to innocent people. You need an experienced law firm on your side.
The impact may have occurred thirty years ago, but the victim can still file a claim for compensation.
Our Michigan mesothelioma attorneys can investigate the source of your asbestos exposure and file a lawsuit on your behalf.
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We have law offices in Southfield, Ann Arbor, Detroit and Macomb County. Buckfire Law is a state practice representing clients in Monroe, Port Huron, Saginaw, Flint, Lansing, Kalamazoo, Butte Creek and Grand Rapids. We also serve all of Northern Michigan, the Finger region and Downriver Detroit.
Over the past century, millions of workers have been exposed to asbestos. The industries with the highest rates of asbestos-related disease in Michigan include:
If you were exposed to asbestos in an industrial facility, contact a Michigan mesothelioma attorney to file a claim.
The company’s employees were not the only ones exposed to asbestos products. Other workers and contractors in factories and production sites were also vulnerable to the deadly disease.
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In addition to workers in these factories and facilities, other people who regularly visit these areas can also be fatally exposed to asbestos products. This includes engineers, architects, salespeople, home inspectors, HVAC personnel, and others who may be affected. Mesothelioma victims and their families are also eligible to file claims for mesothelioma and other diseases.
Mesothelioma is a very aggressive and deadly form of cancer. It occurs in the thin layer of tissue that covers your internal organs. Most often found in the lungs.
Although there are some treatments for this disease, there is no cure. Hospitals around the world are working on treatments to prolong patients’ lives.
There are several factors that increase the risk of mesothelioma. This includes a history of handling asbestos products and exposure to asbestos products in the home.
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Family members or workers exposed to asbestos are also at risk. Fibers and dust brought to skin and work clothes can pose a danger to others.
Radiation therapy for breast cancer also increases the risk of getting the disease.
Asbestos consists of thousands of tiny fibers. These fibers can be inhaled by the person working around them or simply in an environment where the fibers can breathe. After inhalation, the fiber enters the lungs and reaches the smallest parts of the lungs. Unlike other types of dust products, they cannot be removed from the lungs.
They enter the lungs, cause inflammation and ultimately lead to several different types of mesothelioma.
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If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with mesothelioma, contact our Michigan law firm today!
Mesothelioma and other asbestos-related diseases are a serious public health problem in Michigan. Michigan has the tenth highest rate of malignant mesothelioma cancer and asbestosis in the United States. Because of the significant influence of workers in manufacturing, most countries are industrialized countries.
Between 1999 and 2017, 1,588 people died from asbestos exposure in Michigan. The majority, 1,386 deaths, were caused by mesothelioma. These statistics do not include people who were exposed to asbestos in Michigan but moved and later died of mesothelioma in other states or countries. The death toll from exposure to asbestos can be much higher.
Wayne County had the highest death toll. Then came Oakland County, Macomb County, Kent County, Saginaw County and Genesee County.
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The column below shows the total number of deaths from malignant mesothelioma between 1999 and 2015. According to data collected by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, a total of 45,221 deaths were reported, an increase from 2,479 (1999) to 2,597 (2015).
Our law firm has a large database of Michigan workplaces where workers have used or been exposed to asbestos products. A top rated mesothelioma lawyer will spend all the time and resources to prove your asbestos.
We use your records and other documents from complaints to confirm your contact. Your statements and those of former employees will also confirm the source of your mesothelioma. Contact Buckfire Law Firm to find out how we can help.
A mesothelioma lawsuit is a personal injury case. The lawsuit seeks compensation from the product manufacturer for victims of mesothelioma.
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Workers who become ill or die from exposure to asbestos can seek personal injury compensation in addition to various workers’ compensation benefits.
If you have been diagnosed with mesothelioma cancer, you may be able to file a lawsuit against the manufacturers that manufacture and sell your disease. Our law firm will investigate your case thoroughly and determine where you may have been exposed to asbestos. This includes detailed work histories and even employee interviews.
It is likely that our law firm has clear evidence that asbestos products were used in your previous workplaces. We will use this evidence to prove the source of your asbestos exposure causing your lung disease.
Unfortunately, claimants can die while their claims are pending. In some cases, the court will speed up the process in your case so that you can see the outcome.
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When this is not possible and the person dies before the conclusion, the surviving family members take the place of the claimant. The case then moves from a personal injury case to a wrongful death case. Family members review the case to completion and then share the proceeds of the settlement.
If a member of your family has died of mesothelioma cancer, our mesothelioma attorneys will file a wrongful death lawsuit against the companies formed for your family.
Our asbestos lawyers will record all medical records and work history to prove where the asbestos exposure occurred. Then we will try to accommodate your family as much as possible.
The compensation payment includes settlements for loss of contact with society and the closest. In addition, the compensation includes payment for the deceased’s suffering before death. This is a very important compensation because the pain before death can be a long and painful period.
Asbestos Trust Funds
In addition, the settlement includes payment of financial damages. This includes loss of income, medical expenses, funeral and burial expenses.
If you are a person who was exposed to asbestos that caused mesothelioma, you are the plaintiff in the case. This means you are suing the product manufacturers for your pain.
Your role in the case is to provide your attorney with a complete and accurate work history as well as names of former employees. This will help you pinpoint areas where you have been or come into contact with asbestos containing products. Even many workers remember product names and labels.
You will also provide the attorneys with your full and complete medical history. This includes all the doctors, surgeons and other medical professionals you have seen over the years. For all parties to a case, mesothelioma attorneys obtain medical records to understand the history of your illnesses, conditions and injuries.
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Finally, your application is currently accepted. This is your chance to inform all attorneys of your work history and medical condition.
You will also discuss lung cancer, its treatment and how it has affected your life. In addition, you can describe the impact it has had on your family.
There is no average or typical mesothelioma trial. Every situation is different and every solution is based on a number of factors.
Compensable damages include compensation for physical pain and suffering, mental suffering, fear and shock, and disability. Other damages include loss of income, medical expenses and other financial losses. These cases lead to very large settlements.
Other Asbestos Related Conditions And Illnesses
In 2009, a Michigan man was awarded $542,000 in a jury trial. He had mesothelioma from proven exposure to asbestos.
And in 2018, a Michigan jury awarded the steelworker’s family $1.8 million. Since then he has been diagnosed with lung cancer
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