Spj Bos 2018 Excel Application

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Spj Bos 2018 Excel Application

Spj Bos 2018 Excel Application

We thank Almighty God for His grace, tofiq and vision of our management team! Area Anyuma can be organized social material! in the form of a #book, the material of this street work is accompanied by &examples of the “accountability report” form P*+ #what financial components ! which accompanies the “removal file”) P+ for physical evidence, letters to be made, but schools are still rare, and examples of how many decision letters issued by the chief of finance for each are completed as follows  A% Examples “Accountability Report”P *+ – Example ‘P*’em#ur – Example / ‘P* 0 mark 1yata acti – Example 2 ‘P* 0 mark’ glory prep team!’ – Example 3 ‘P* 0Teaching Extracurricular Grades) Teachers with “Out of School”+ – Example 4 ‘P* 0 Honor for Extracurricular Teachers) Teachers from Teachers+ – Example 5 ‘P* 0Teaching Honor # Course – Example 6 ‘P* Shopping Food7 0aerian Drink Pega(ai – Example 8 ‘P * Extrafooding Shopping – Example 9 ‘P* Travel Shop : inas – Example .; ‘P* e$ ja arang Moda$ )arang Per <nit IDR 4 ;;;%; ;; top+ – Example .. 'P* e$ja arang book – Example ./ ' P* jaan  sound print)<T"7<A"7<KK7 ah – Example .9  ‘P* KKG7MGMP7KKK”7MKK”7Pramuka71orkshop7” Workshop – Example /; “P* Business Expenses” is (followed by “om#a)” e (vehicle + – Example /. “P* Business Expenses” is (a followed by “om#a) Without “e( vehicle + % – Example ” letters -“Customer Appointment Assignment !! for parents71a $i “is (a % Example “Chief of Decision $a “eko$ah – Example “K Management Team !” K 0asi$ Admissions Board Activities Example “P* herein Annex is a form of minimum commitment to public funds that can be one of the indicators for schools when preparing funding accounts!” be clear, reasoned and professional”% Considering that every year the technical standards! other relevant regulations !”may change, so prepare” P* in order to follow the changes in the instructions in recent years, the material in this book is not yet complete, so we welcome suggestions and comments from various quarters; we hope to present the material!” ! : Ministry of Education Regency from Banyuwangi

Lpj Bos (format Excel)

2%  Guku Assault Cash 3% Kuku Assault Bank 4%  Bill Assistant Tax 5% Description of Cash Check 6% Cash Closing 8% “Expense Confirmation” 4+ 9% K (receipts7notes7receiptslist7receipts; % other proof of payment depending on expense type ) see to fill in “P* in #a(ah+%” note “deposit tax)”” P+ attached “P* or #certificate of related expenses) becomes. with #proof of expenses accordingly +%

: Applies to individual #arang7jasa payments with a total minimum payment of $Rp. million% * VAT services * services for the maintenance of computers, electronic devices, tables, chairs, cabinets and other services for the repair of premises%

Included on each receipt of honor %, sum PPh Ps $ /. PN” Go$% = C .4B PN” Go$% === 4B PN” Go $% = and == ;B No PN” 4B

“No PN Markings” subject to PPh Ps$/. only fees that are #incentives$% <instead of fees that are #refundable.

Doc) Format 1a Surat Pengantar Bos

No need to charge Pasa Income // of Rp. 4B% – payment of general tax, we also have religious tax, VAT is due. rare things

PPh Ps$ /2 @ /B fee payment ) for members who have NP1P + PPh Ps $ /2 @ 3B fee payment ) for members who do not have NP1P

Honesty: 1. Proof of Expenses 2. Overtime Receipt 3. Overtime Order 4. Overtime “. Overtime Attendance %. Work Attendance and Tax Payment Letter ‘ SSP (PPh Pa!al) 21

Spj Bos 2018 Excel Application

Person Entitled to Payment Name Signature et7or & “Court Treasurer!” AG<" "ET=A1AN"%Pd :=A0 ERNA1AT= N=P% .964;.;. .999;.. ;;. N=P .98;..;6 /;;4; / ; ;2 BOS Madrasah LPJ and BOP RA Latest Sample Files 2022 – Similar to the previous post on technical guidelines for Madrasah BOS and BOP RA, this is supplemented with sample documents to be produced by the institution, but in pdf format none of the courses not published.

Contoh Berkas Lpj Bos Madrasah Dan Bop Ra Terbaru 2022

Therefore, I have created the Madrasah BOS and BOP RA attachments in Word and High format to make it simpler and easier to view as per individual needs.

With the existence of these excellent words and forms, it will be easier for us to add spj button and bop-ra files according to current technical regulations.

Since this file has not yet been processed, I would look at it on a school by school basis and see what needs to be attached, and as per the guidelines of the relevant authorities.

1. The above general provisions on the use of PB and BS funds refer to the Standards for Investment Costs (SBM) 2022 in the Ministerial Regulation on Financial Agreements.

Disease Induced Assemblage Of A Plant Beneficial Bacterial Consortium

2. The use of BOP and BOS funds is based on RKARA or RKAM, which is carried out through the development of a team of teachers and relevant madrasah committees established by the head of the RA/madrasah and are/become known reported to the head. Department of the Ministry of Religion or the head of the provincial department of the Ministry of Religion in accordance with their authority.

3. Use of BOP and BOS funds is based on the RA and Madrasah priority scale, especially to accelerate the implementation of the SNP.

4. The main use of BOP and BOS funds is to support the operational financial activities of RA and Madrasah. BOP and BOS funds cannot be used for the same purpose for RAs and madrassas that have received other financial support.

Spj Bos 2018 Excel Application

On the other hand, if the BOP and BOS funds are sufficient to cover the permitted expenses, RAs and Madrasahs may consider other income from their institutions.

Berita Acara Penyusunan Rkas Dan Spj Bos

5. RAs and madrassas that do not receive money from APBD are not allowed to use BOP and BOS for the same profession.

On the other hand, if the BOP and BOS funds are sufficient for the allowed expenses, the madrasah can use other revenue generated by the madrasah.

6. Public madrasas that have received a budget in DIPA in addition to BOS, by using BOS funds the deficit only increases so that no double system arises;

7. The maximum amount of the use of BOP and BOS funds for the expenses of staff (non-governmental employees) in public and private madrasahs is 50% (fifty percent) of the total amount of BOP and BOS funds that the madrasah receives in one year.

Aplikasi Kwitansi Bos 2020

8. The unit price for the use of BOP and BOS resources is in accordance with the regulations set by the government (the unit price is determined by the Ministry of Finance) and/or the regional government.

Note: We store the files we share in Google Drive. If Word and previous documents are moved to the Google Doc app, download/save as before. However, if you’re having problems, learn how to fix them. For BOP refers to the PAUD and kindergarten units, there is a slight difference in where they are located

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