The Application Is Menstruating

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The Application Is Menstruating – 50 million people use time trackers – it’s free, but what’s the cost of sending the data?

Period tracking apps are marketed as useful tools for people who are trying to conceive, want to prevent pregnancy, or want to monitor health problems related to menstruation. But to do this, apps collect personal information that can last for days longer than your time. On the app, how often you sleep, whether you’re trying to conceive, whether you’re pregnant or near menstruation, everything is put into a database that’s ready to sell to others who have information about you. Want to know information about.

The Application Is Menstruating

The Application Is Menstruating

When we created our Know Your Lemons app to help you track your time and manage your breast health, we intentionally avoided collecting data from the beginning. In most cases, you can opt out of receiving our mail, but a friendly email—not timed to anything health-related—is all you’ll hear from us.

Why Delete Period Tracking App? Roe V. Wade Ruling Sparks Panic Over Data

Our app uses a “time dial” to determine how many days you’ve been bleeding, how long your cycle is, and then estimates your fertile window based on that information. Most importantly, it tells you when is the best time to do a self-examination or get a mammogram – since breasts are less likely to swell, swell and undergo hormonal changes, these can all be self-examined and . Mammogram is not very accurate. ,

The lemon represents which day you are menstruating; If you want to fix it, remove the lemon and it will fix itself. A push notification set by your phone — not a database — tells you when it’s a good time to try it, and sends you funny jokes or self-care reminders when you first wake up.

Not collecting data is dangerous. One is that the app is funded through donations… which means we rely on people supporting us to carry our work forward. Additionally, that donation will also fund our organization’s efforts to gain global visibility through our classes in 54 countries, promote it in 31 languages, and keep the app running. So, when you donate, you are helping save lives by using a great tool to manage your health.

The second part is that if you delete the app, the data will be lost. So if you change phones you will have to restart your account, which takes 3 minutes. 😉 how come? Because, again, we don’t collect your data: it stays with you.

How To Protect Your Data In A Post Roe U.s

Reverse? We don’t know you (but you know how to protect your health), and you’ll learn everything about yourself. And maybe, like other women, you’ll get a bump sooner than before.

If it’s free and paid for by donations, does that mean it’s useless? Umm, actually, no. not even close. We are the only brand nominated for a Webby Award this year, the second time we have received this honor. We are considered the best in the industry for amazing and beautiful applications.

Remedial. No data storage. Award giver. Made by women. made with love. What more could you ask for in an app that tracks your period and teaches you how to take care of your breasts? Menstruation, although it has existed since the dawn of man and affects half the world’s population, is still in many ways unknown. However, investments are being made in various sectors over the years to manage the inflationary cycle. Recently added to the digital sphere, menstruation has become an area for the development of business models based on data related to menstruation and the fertility of pregnant women and men.

The Application Is Menstruating

In fact, these applications have great potential to improve health research and education. Therefore, through period tracking applications, we can know the day of our next period, the length of our cycle, the best and lowest days, and the most common symptoms that affect us in each phase of the cycle. This type of application is part of FemTech, which has received more than a billion dollars in recent years. But what do these apps do with all the information they collect?

Track The Impact Of Your Menstrual Cycle On Your Health

We studied the most popular pregnancy tracking apps in Spain to see which of them users respect.

The survey was inspired by recent events in the United States that Politico reported in May. He shared an example of the Supreme Court upholding Roe Vs. Wade, which legalized abortion rights in the country in 1973. Although countries like Colombia and Mexico have this right, the United States often rejects steps taken to give women rights over their own bodies. In this sense, collecting data about menstruation, as well as sharing it with third parties, is very dangerous, as it can be a way of accusing and harassing those who want to undertake this work. Are. appear on other types of data in the United States.

Considering that the main function of menstruation is based on a simple calendar, it seems that there is nothing wrong with this, but the results of the analysis show that this idea is far from correct.

We reviewed 12 apps, among them Calendar Tracker (over 100 million downloads in Play Store) Flow (over 50 million) and Clue (over 10 million) are the most popular and popular.

How Worried Should You Be About Period Tracking Apps?

To evaluate this, we chose five points: if there is a privacy policy, if that policy is clear, if you ask for permission, if you collect your data and share this data with third parties. In this way, depending on how good or bad they are, they are given a score of 2, 1 or 0.

One of the most surprising findings is that most of them fall into the last two points mentioned (if they collect their data and share it with third parties). Contrary to the negative nature of their simple applications, many of them share data with third parties. They usually do this for commercial purposes, sometimes they do not show intent and most of them happen when the user gives his consent, but the user is convinced of his consent and they ‘accept’ the first time. Let’s click on. Open the app? These topics can be found in long secret policy lists that no one actually reads.

To help users decide which application to choose when tracking their period, we have created this list based on our analysis:

The Application Is Menstruating

A sign of respect for the privacy of these applications is the password that is not opened: 5.5. We were surprised to see that some of them do not have a privacy policy that users can access, such as Menstruation Calendar (developed by SimpleInnovation) and My Fitness (by Xiaomi).

Best Period Tracker Apps — Free Apps To Track Your Period

It’s also surprising that only 1 of them, WomanLog (pro active app developed by SIA), does not sell or share data under any circumstances. As for others, most of them only share data with third parties for using the app, while others use permissions and third-party services to leave open the possibility of sharing data in other ways. Let’s use. , According to Cycles (built by Perigee), they not only share personal information, but also information about the user’s health, such as symptoms related to him, although, in agreement, they say that this is just sharing.

We would suddenly stop doing research and confirm our negative beliefs about this type of digital work. Despite the neglect of menstrual history as a subject of study and treatment, its use as a basis for using our own data has not disappeared. Digitalization, rather than providing access to services that protect our privacy and focus on improving our social and family lives, seems to be promoted during the analysis. In the business model the service is merely a means to store data and our money. it. If this data reveals sensitive information that could expose privacy or expose us to lawsuits, the importance of the need to protect ourselves and preserve our data becomes even greater.

This study is short-term, but we think there is still a lot to be explored in this area. Do you have any information about data usage with these menstrual cycles? Please send us information@.

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