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The Most Wasteful Application Quota
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“Our work, our health, nobody cares”: perceptions of waste collectors on occupational health and self-reported health problems in an urban Ghana.
By Samuel Yaw Lissah Samuel Yaw Lissah Scilit Google Scholar 1, 2, * , Martin Amogre Ayanore Martin Amogre Ayanore Scilit Google Scholar 3, 4 , John K. Krugu John K. Krugu Scilit Google Scholar5 , Matilda Aberese-Ako Matilda Aberese-Ako Scilit Google Scholar 6 and Robert A. C. Ruiter Robert A. C. Ruiter Scilit Google Scholar 1
Department of Work and Psychology, Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience, Maastricht University, P.O. Box 616, 6200 MD Maastricht, The Netherlands
Agricultural Business Development Department, Faculty of Applied Sciences and Technology, Ho Technical University, T.E. HP Box 217, Volta Region, Ghana
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Department of Health Policy Planning and Management, School of Public Health, University of Health and Medical Sciences, PMB 31 Ho, Volta Region, Ghana
Center for Advocacy on Health Policy Innovation and Research in Africa (CHPAIR-Africa), 441/4F Nyaniba Estates, Osu, Accra, Greater Accra Region, Ghana
Received: 28 March 2022 / Updated: 19 May 2022 / Accepted: 25 May 2022 / Published: 27 May 2022
(This article addresses the special topic of work organization, work stress, and mental health and well-being: advances in evidence and intervention methods)
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Waste collectors pose a major public health risk that causes injury and disease worldwide. This study investigated the self-reported occupational health and health problems of waste collectors in a Ghanaian city using a qualitative research design. In-depth interviews and focus group discussions were conducted with 64 waste collectors from two waste companies. The transcribed data was entered into NVivo 11.0 software (QSR International, Burlington, MA, USA) for coding, and content analysis was used to analyze all the transcribed data using inductive and deductive methods. The concept of the waste workers’ trust shows the lack of interest of the workers of the waste companies in the occupational safety and health of the waste collectors. Waste collectors have been identified with a heavy burden from employers as reasons for not implementing occupational health and safety practices, which exposes waste collectors to occupational health risks. Waste collectors report suffering from occupational injuries, social conflicts, work stress and frequent burnouts. Garbage pickers have adopted coping strategies such as self-medication to deal with these occupational hazards, as most of them do not have health insurance coverage. In addition, the study showed a lack of acceptance and non-implementation of occupational health and safety policies by employers to guide health and training and practices among waste collectors. In conclusion, the study shows that DWCs face occupational safety and health risks. Employers of Western companies should provide welfare benefits to DWCs, such as health insurance and social security benefits, to ensure their safety, health and well-being. The results of the study can inform the design of intervention programs and policies to guide the education and activities of local waste collectors.
Occupational injuries, fatigue, accidents and diseases are the most important public health problems faced by waste collectors worldwide [1, 2, 3]. Unfortunately, evidence shows that domestic waste collectors (DWC) are not protected from occupational health risks [4, 5, 6], directly or indirectly, when collecting and processing waste in the areas where final disposal [7]. Rushton [8] estimated that, every year, about 270 million garbage collectors suffer from occupational injuries, accidents and diseases, while it is estimated that about 2.3 million die every year from the effects of the work.
Compared to other workers in other workplaces, waste pickers are more exposed to occupational health hazards and injuries. For example, a study in Denmark [9] estimated that accidents and work injuries were 5.6 times higher among DWC than other workers. A study conducted in the informal sector in Zimbabwe also reported that waste (garbage) workers face a high rate of injuries due to frequent bending and twisting movements as a direct result of their work [ 10]. Other health-related problems reported in some studies in DWCs are musculoskeletal problems, asthma, gastrointestinal problems, eye disease, skin disease, fever, cough and fatigue [11, 12, 13, 14]. In their study, Goldstein et al. [15] Occupational diseases, accidents, and injuries among DWCs are high because employers and agencies responsible for implementing safety regulations ignore occupational health needs among this group. employees. Health-related risks among DWC are influenced by socio-cultural factors such as norms and beliefs that contribute to negative attitudes towards waste management [15].
Management of waste generated by public spaces in Ghana is challenging due to socio-cultural, institutional and legal challenges [16, 17]. For example, a study conducted in Ghana found weak implementation of sanitation laws, poor attitudes of citizens regarding waste generation, waste management and disposal, and high levels of waste collection. as some of the reasons that lead to poor waste management. problem [7, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22]. Inadequate funding, lack of availability and lack of equipment for collection and treatment has a negative impact on the safe collection and transportation of waste and treatment equipment has a negative impact on the safe collection and transportation [21, 22, 23] ] , 24]. While effective and efficient municipal solid waste management improves human and environmental health [25, 26] and health and well-being, the occupational and health risks associated with poor solid waste management and their impact on DWCs have not been well studied in Ghana. .
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Despite abundant evidence on the health risks faced by workers in the sanitation industry, there is a paucity of evidence examining self-reported occupational health and safety among DWCs in the Ghanaian context. One study found an association between burnout and the incidence of respiratory health symptoms in DWCs [27]. Lissa et al. [28] reported DWCs’ experience of work stress and increased mental health problems. Public awareness and attitudes towards health risks related to waste have been reported in Ghana [29].
The literature in Ghana on self-reported health risks among waste collectors is limited to self-reported health problems of waste handlers in a study by Krechi et al. [30]. Their research shows that waste workers need affordable and suitable protective equipment to reduce their health risks, and to provide soap and water to improve personal hygiene at work. Kretchy et al. did not explore waste pickers’ perceptions of occupational safety and health challenges at work. Knowing the perceptions, beliefs and attitudes of DWCs can inform policy recommendations on how employers can support and promote positive working conditions among Ghanaian dirty workers. DWCs face occupational safety and health risks due to the large amount of solid waste generated by the population growth [31, 32]. The significant increase in the volume of solid waste has had a significant impact on occupational health and safety in the field of waste collection and management. Many studies have been developed on the health risks associated with hazardous waste disposal to the environment and the public. However, less attention has been given to occupational safety and health risks associated with waste collection activities. Therefore, this qualitative study aims to analyze and understand the perceptions of DWCs regarding occupational safety and health outcomes and self-reporting in a Ghanaian city. Our findings add to the literature on occupational hazards associated with waste management activities in small natural resources,