Visual Art Report Card Comments High School – Reporting: At Chelsea Heights Elementary School, we value the connection between home and school and hope that our reporting system
Progress reports are available to families four times a year, once per semester. These reports are designed to give you regular updates on your child’s performance in academic achievement, effort and behavior in different units of work, in the form of a graph.
Visual Art Report Card Comments High School
Progress reports are given in the following areas: reading, writing, speaking and listening, numbers and algebra, and effort and behavior in special subjects; Performing arts, visual arts, sports, digital technology and Japanese.
Abstract Shoe Drawing
We hope that progress reports will stimulate discussion about your child’s learning – between parents/carers, children and their teachers.
Effort and behaviour: As a school we see the importance of high student effort and positive behavior in the classroom and how this affects their learning. Progress reports really highlight both of these areas and open up a conversation between you and your child. At Chelsea Heights Elementary School, teachers encourage and help kids be their own boss, whether it’s behavior, effort, or learning. We developed a matrix that further explains effort and behavior to provide teacher feedback and support in discussions at home.
Here are examples of different progress reports, how to read them, and the discussions they can generate.
At the top of each chart you can see, for example, the curriculum area. Talk and listen You can also see the term they have marked and you can compare your child’s results in each term as the year progresses. In all units, assessments focus on year-level goals, remember that this is a “sampling” of your child’s achievements and not a progress score, as in term reports.
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Term 1 interviews give you the opportunity to discuss how your child has placed at New Year level, discuss their progress report and any areas you can focus on going forward. Interviews also allow you to explain all aspects of the interpretation of your child’s progress report and its format. Information about the appointment to your child’s class teacher will be sent home by text message closer to the class.
Interviews in term three provide an opportunity to discuss your child’s overall progress in different learning areas using progress reports and term reports and to discuss what the focus of your child’s learning program will be going forward. .
Semester reports are available to families twice a year and are sent at the end of the second and fourth terms.
These reports present your child’s academic achievements across the curriculum in the different learning areas of the semester in the form of a progress score chart. They also show year-on-year progress, as seen in previous reports. Term reports also include a general note from teachers covering, but not limited to, your child’s effort, attitude, how he works with peers, organizes himself and progress in different areas of learning.
Report Card Comments, Visual Arts (file 1), High School/secondary
Below are examples of effort and behavior matrices so that families know where students are being marked.
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