What Are The Advantages Of The Siskeudes Application

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What Are The Advantages Of The Siskeudes Application

What Are The Advantages Of The Siskeudes Application

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Pdf) Can Siskeudes Support Village Governance In Aceh Province Of Indonesia?

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Dinilai Bermasalah, Kegiatan Pelatihan Siskeudes Kerinci Dilaporkan Ke Polda

Received: Jan 19, 2022 / Revised: Mar 15, 2022 / Accepted: Mar 16, 2022 / Published: Mar 24, 2022

The aim of this study is to deepen the literature research on the information society by examining and developing the implementation of information systems within the Rural Finance System (SISKEUDES) to improve the sustainable information society (SIS). The models include the DeLone and McLean model and the trust theory, which includes eight variables: system information quality, information quality, service quality, trust in government organizations, trust in technology, ease of use, user satisfaction, net gain, and sustainable information society. A questionnaire was used and data was collected from SISKEUDES users in Bali, Indonesia, which was statistically analyzed using Partial Least Squares (PLS) to understand the adoption of Information System (IS) and the phenomenon of sustainable information society. The research results show that system information quality, information quality, and trust in technology have a significant impact on user use and satisfaction, while service quality and trust in government organizations do not. Utilization and user satisfaction variables have a significant impact on net benefits and a significant impact on SIS durability. The results of this study can provide e-government practitioners with a deeper understanding of how to overcome user satisfaction issues and increase trust in mandatory e-government services within SIS and smart village implementation.

The aim of this study is to analyze the impact of an effective IT model on strengthening a sustainable information society. A sustainable information society (SIS) is a new stage in the development of the information society, and progress in computer and communication technologies (ICT) is the main support for ensuring sustainable development [1]. A sustainable society is an economically stable, ecologically sound and socially responsible society [2]. SIS contributes to revolutionary changes in the daily lives of people, businesses, services and public administrations [1]. Therefore, it is necessary to apply a multi-faceted approach to the development of a sustainable information society in order to achieve sustainable development from the point of view of social, economic, ecological and legal aspects, as well as from the point of view of community management, enterprise and state management. .

What Are The Advantages Of The Siskeudes Application

Research shows that governments or countries with a high level of sustainable development of the information society are countries with a high level of socio-economic growth [3]. SIS can be achieved if people consciously use information and communication technologies in their daily activities. ICT can be approached from two perspectives, namely ICT as an industry and ICT as a tool. As an industry, ICT has become an economic driving force in the fields of computer hardware, software, telecommunications and consulting services, and helps improve and develop environmental sustainability [4]. ICT as a tool is used to transform and improve business performance, economic efficiency and achieve a positive image [5] for business and government through e-business and e-government.

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The development of e-government through the creation of “smart cities” and “smart villages” aims to improve the capacity of public services, governance, transparency and accountability of public administrations [6, 7] and participation in the global economy [6, 7] 8]. One way to achieve a “smart village” in Indonesia is to adopt the Rural Finance System (SISKEUDES). This system is a form of e-government that involves the use of information technology (IT) by rural governments to improve access and delivery of information and services to citizens, business partners, professionals and other organisations, and to manage financial statements[9]] with through online government financial applications.

The province of Bali started implementing SISKEUDES in 2016 and its implementation in the province’s districts/municipalities in 2017. In the province of Bali, the districts of Denpasar, Badung, Gianyar and Tabanan are collectively known as Sarbagita. It is a national strategic region whose territory and territorial development are a priority because they have a very significant impact on the sovereignty of the state, national defense and security, economy, social and cultural issues and the environment. , including designated areas. as objects of world cultural heritage [10]. Due to the importance of the Sarbaghita area, it can serve as a model for the implementation of SISKEUDES. The adoption of SISKEUDES through the use of ICT will enable rural governments to be more efficient and innovative, while reducing costs, improving the efficiency of services and improving the efficiency of decision-making by rural governments.

The motivation of this study is to evaluate the success of AI adoption in SISKEUDES from a user perspective. First, this study builds on previous research on successful models of information systems, such as [9, 11, 12, 13]. [13] the weakness of the success model sees the success of ICT implementation only in terms of individual and organizational effectiveness, and then transforms them into net benefits [11]. Meanwhile, other studies [9] examine the success of technology adoption in terms of its impact on rural governance. Previous studies have shown that the use of ICT contributes positively to the sustainability of economic and business processes [14] and environmental sustainability [15]. Meanwhile, publication [16] explains that sustainable development includes three dimensions, namely environmental, social and economic outcomes. The measurement of the success of technology adoption should be linked to the achievement of a Sustainable Information Society (SIS) [1, 17], which consists of four dimensions, namely environmental sustainability, economic sustainability, social sustainability – including cultural stability and political stability.

Secondly, models previously widely used in the literature, such as [9, 11, 12], failed to account for government trust and technology trust, as well as the impact of successful ICT deployment on SIS deployment, in their research. Modeling involving trust in government and trust in technology [18, 19, 20] and the impact of successful ICT adoption on SIS is important for measuring the success of SISKEUDES adoption in Bali. Measuring the success of ICT deployment through SIS is important for rural communities because of their shared nature and trust is a fundamental foundation of society. In addition, village and neighborhood authorities in Bali follow traditional village principles called pakraman, based on the Balinese philosophy of Tri Hita Karana [21]. The concept of Tri Hita Karana is an important factor in achieving a harmonious relationship between people, between people and nature, and between people and their God [22]. Therefore, if ICT adoption is matched to the characteristics of the Balinese population, it can be used as a lever for rural transparency and sustainable development.

Faktor Terjadinya Tindak Kecurangan Pengelolaan Dana Desa Dengan Penggunaan Siskeudes Sebagai Variabel Mediasi (studi Pada Perangkat Desa Se Kabupaten Tegal)

The study of the impact of ICT on SIS is consistent with the theoretical concepts of Technology-Organization-Environment (TOE) [4], transaction cost theory [23], resource-based perspective theory [24] and institutional theory [25, 26]. . According to scientists, the use of ICT can stimulate the achievement of economic and environmental indicators from other perspectives. When it comes to e-government, there is a theory of public value [27] which states that public services are designed to create added value for the people they serve. Creating benefits from public services at the expense of economics, social values, democratic principles and human rights [28] is the added value of services with the presence of e-government. SISKEUDES is a tool for the implementation of SIS, which is the entry level to Society 5.0 in terms of making open data available to the public [29, 30]. At the village level, open data is achieved through public reporting of open data for use by the central government and other villages.

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