Creating An Android Application On Hp

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Peter Tregg is a Solutions Architect at Universal Mind, where he brings his broad base of technical and business consulting skills to work for our clients. Together…

Creating An Android Application On Hp

Creating An Android Application On Hp

This article is the second in a series of four articles covering four approaches to mobile application development. The previous article covered how to do this using native iOS development tools. In this article, we’ll see how to create a similar app using native Android tools.

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We are building a simple tip calculator. Like the iOS app, it has two screens: the main one and the settings one. The Settings view maintains the default tipping percentage for local storage using Android SDK support. (Source code for each app is available on GitHub.)

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For the Android platform, the Java language is used with the Eclipse Integrated Development Environment (IDE). Google provides Android Developer Tools (ADT) plug-ins for the standard Eclipse IDE to support things like graphical layout and debugging. At the time of writing, Google has also released a new IDE called Android Studio in Early-Access Preview. The product is based on JetBrains’ IntelliJ IDE and will eventually replace Eclipse as the official development tool for Android applications. Since Android Studio is still in pre-release, we will be using Eclipse to develop this application. Eclipse is very stable and there are many Android training resources that use Eclipse.

The Android development environment is compatible with Windows, Mac and Linux. There is no cost for development tools and apps can be freely deployed to devices. To submit apps to the Google Play Marketplace, developers must apply for publication and pay a one-time fee of $25. Submitting apps to Google Play is much less complicated than it is on iOS. When your app is submitted to Google, it is scanned for malware and common threats. Typically, the app is available to the general public within a few hours.

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An overview of the toolset can be found on the Android Developers website. Successful Android development involves using the following tools:

Previously, you had to download, install and configure the tools separately. It was time consuming and often confusing for new Android developers. To ease the process, Google now offers “packages” that simplify the installation process. Packages are offered for each operating system and are available on the page where you download the Developer SDK.

Installing Eclipse, the SDK, the emulator and more is as easy as unzipping a zip file into a directory. If you have an existing installation of Eclipse and prefer to use that, there are instructions for adding Android support.

Creating An Android Application On Hp

Once the Android development tools are installed, it’s a good idea to import an existing project, such as the source code for our sample application. in eclipse go to

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After selecting the option to import an existing Android project, click the “Next” button, after which you can specify the directory where you want to work in Eclipse, the code is located

After selecting a directory via the “Browse” button, Eclipse will automatically find any Android project in that directory and show it in the list of projects to import. Just click the “Finish” button and the project will appear in your project list on the left side of the IDE.

There are several steps involved in creating an Android application. We’ll discuss each in detail later in this article. The steps include the following:

The Eclipse IDE provides standard source code editing tools along with a source-level debugger that allows applications to be debugged on both the simulator and the physical device. Unlike storyboards used with iOS, a layout editor is used to define the screen layout:

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The layout editor works on a single screen at a time and is not capable of defining passages between screens like the iOS storyboard editor. However, the Android layout editor has a very flexible layout system that supports a wide range of Android device screen sizes and resolutions.

Unlike the storyboard editor on iOS, you can edit the layout in visual mode, as shown above, or in an XML-based editor. Use the tabs at the bottom of the layout editor to switch between the two views. As layouts get more complex, the ability to directly edit layout files is useful. A snippet of the XML layout looks like this:

The Android SDK was designed from the ground up to support a wide range of device capabilities. Much has already been written about the “fragmentation” of devices on the Android platform. However, from the beginning, the Android SDK was designed to support these types of device specifications, including screen size, pixel density, and Android API version.

Creating An Android Application On Hp

Screen layouts, image assets (called drawables), styles, and other configuration files are all contained in a series of subdirectories under a master “resources” directory. The Android SDK documentation shows how multiple versions of the same file can be placed in uniquely named directories within this resource structure, so that the correct one is loaded at runtime, depending on the resources and device state.

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Etc. This allows the developer to provide different image content to match the DPI resolution of a given screen. Similar capabilities extend to things like layout files, which can provide unique content according to screen size, landscape or portrait orientation, etc. In the example above, we see unique folders for

Files used for version 11 (Android 3.x) and version 14 (Android 4.x) of the Android operating system.

Of this directory. This fallback method is present for all features. The SDK will try to find the resource in the specified directory and will fall back to a more “generic” resource if it is not available. All of this happens without the developer having to write any special code. Just place the resources in the right directories and the Android runtime will take care of the rest. Each of its resources can be accessed from XML and Java files in your application.

The resource system is quite powerful and supports a wide range of resources. In addition to drawables, layouts, menus, and styles for your app, it can also be used to store app constants for array or dimension values ​​in your app. That way you can load different static values ​​for different device configurations, placing the files in the correct directory structure. You can also use this system for location. is performed by

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Application Directory. If you want to render a Spanish version of the same file, put

In the process of defining the layout, you must add an ID value to each control (or UI widget) that you want to reference in code. This can be done by specifying an ID value in the Property inspector in the Layout Editor:

Android layout files can use various layout managers or view groups to organize controls on the screen. This is Android’s approach to representing views, much like the constraint system we’ve seen in iOS. Here are some of the most common view groups used in Android apps:

Creating An Android Application On Hp

To the settings screen. So far, we have defined the nature of objects. Unlike the iOS storyboard editor, Android does not have a “helper” tool to link code directly to controls in the visual layout editor. We’ll need to write some code to connect these components together and build the application.

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An activity has a defined lifecycle that controls when the activity starts, stops, continues, and pauses.

The diagram above comes straight from the Android Developer docs and shows the lifecycle of an activity. It’s up to the developer to code in different activity methods to respond to different lifecycle conditions.

The code above runs at the beginning of the activity’s lifecycle. In this case, we are loading the previously defined layout file via the statement:

On successful loading of the layout, we get references to the various controls that make up the layout. notice that we are talking about layout and id

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Notation These are the resource IDs we defined earlier in the layout manager. Additionally, we’ve added a click listener to define what code should be executed when the user taps the “Calculate hint” button.

To save and restore user preference by tip percentage. On Android, it has the same shared priority. This can be seen in the code snippet below where we restore a constant value to

Accessing iOS Applications On Android 4.x devices, the options visible in the upper-right corner of the screen are part of the Android “action bar”.

Creating An Android Application On Hp

The action bar is dark

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